Wednesday 18 July 2012

My 'I have work in 2 hours and really don't want to go' make up look! FOTD

Urgh. I hate doing PM shifts! I waste the whole day thinking about how much I reallllly don't want to go work... So I thought I'd do my make up to pass the time, which took up all of 5 minutes :/

So back to moping around....

So i've gone for a very very lazy side swept quiff, Benefit Play stick to cover up a few blemishes, Benefit Posietint, L'oreal True Match Powder and a very light coat of Maybelline Falsies mascara. Make up is completely wasted in my line of work, not too sure if I should have bothered! But hey ho... I've wasted some time.

Argh. 1 and a half hours till work... Boo :(

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