Who is Docdoc?

Why hello there...

This is something that I have been putting off for years... but with a load of spare time, and boxes/cupboards/drawers full of beauty products I think it's finally time to start a beauty blog!

My name is Sarah, I'm 22 (even though I will always be 16 in my head), and I graduated from UWIC (Cardiff) in 2011 with a 2:1 degree in Psychology. I currently live in North London and work as a Specialist Dementia Care Worker - not for much longer though as I am due to start a new job this September.

Beauty and fashion has always been a passion of mine, and whilst I know I'll never have a career in these industries, it is still something that I put a lot of time and effort into. But please, I am no Super Model, nor am I the lucky owner of a size 8 bikini body. I am just your average London girl with a slightly obsessive interest in all things beauty-related (which I guess you are too if you made it to this blog!).

*Please bear with me - this blog is a working progress!*

Over time I will be reviewing/ranting/raving/rejoicing about all my new beauty buys, staple buys as well as the 'hmm... why did I actually buy this product?' buys! However this blog will be open to my travelling adventures and general ranting and ravings of every day life!

If you've made it this far, and you're still awake - Congrats!

Thanks for reading!


Twitter: @SarahDocdoc

Instagram: sarahdocwra

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